According to Denver New Station KMGH TV James Holmes has consumes a 100 mg Vicodin late Thursday night. Also, a neighbor claims to have witnessed the Dark Knight shooter smoking marijuana behind their apartment building.

Self medicating? Yes. Enough drugs for his legal team to use as a defense for a mass murder? No.

James Holmes' arraignment is scheduled for Monday at 8:30 am.


  1. Socrates NietzscheJuly 21, 2012 at 10:09 PM

    Haven't you seen House MD?
    Plus, consider how many people beat their spouses to death because they were drunk- is anything being done in regards to alcohol regulation?
    This guy had no previous records and is smarter than you or I will probably ever be. Stop being a charlatan

    1. It is a known fact that the vast majority of sociopaths are considered "smart". I do not doubt that this guy is as brilliant as people say. Being that I myself have taken Vicodin (got from my dentist after removal of 2 impacted wisdom teeth) and I took them every few hours. Did I get loopy? No. I know drugs work differently in different people. Just simply ASSUMING that this may be a route his legal team takes to get his sentence lowered or thrown out all together. I do not claim to know everything, because I dont but I do hold degrees in both Criminal Justice and Psychology. You bring up alcohol... would it make the situation worse if he were drunk instead high? Should he get a pass because he was "smart" and had no record other than a traffic violation? I was just calling it as I saw it.

    2. Socrates NietzscheJuly 22, 2012 at 11:22 AM

      I'm just saying that the post emphasizes the drugs he was supposedly using and that the amount of murders committed by drunk people far outweighs this one instance where it seems Holmes was using sedative drugs to calm himself in an agitated situation. 'High as a kite' may be a misleading exaggeration.
      I'm so interested in the case because the shooter was so smart and while he hasn't made any official statements, I am idealizing him now as a Nietzschean overman, one beyond moral standards of good and evil. It's nice that you have those degrees, probably makes you more authoritative on the subject, but the title makes it seems he was delirious or dissociated.

  2. C'mon. You have to admit a person who shoots up a theater of people has to be a little bent in the mind. He hasnt made a statement because his lawyers told him not to. He would be a total idot to do so at this point, no matter what he has to say. Sorry, he wasnt drunk so you could take up the cause. I didnt choose his drug of choice. I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Nice meeting the head of his offical fan club though.

  3. I've taken percocet (stronger than vicodin) and smoked pot. Makes you feel like just lying down so you don't puke. This is a bullshit attempt at a defense. I hope the guy gets life and is released into open population -- he wont last long.

    1. Thank you! I just hope the outcome of this case is not another Casey Anthony-type circus. I too hope he never knows freedom, not even for 1 more day, for rest of his natural life. Dont think he will be put with the general population, they would tear him to pieces for sure.


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