Katie Holmes Filed for Divorce From Tom Cruise!?!?

It is being reported today that it is OVER between Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. I didnt think it would last but I sure didnt think it would be Katie that decided to end things. The blame being layed on Scientology. She is supposedly seeking sole custody of the little fashionista Suri Cruise. Undoubtedly, because Tom is a total wack job that would destroy her daughter. Let us pray, that she did not sign a non-disclosure agreement. At this point I could care less about a prenup and what that entails. I just hope there is no gag order preventing Katie from telling the world what it was like being married to Tom. Could Oprah, Barbara or Diane could get some juicy details out of her? I dont know about you guys but I miss the "Creek Katie", and I am more than happy to say goodbye to the "Crazy Cult Lady Katie"! Any thoughts on this reported story?
