BRING RINGER BACK! A review, a demand and the ramblings of a fan...

Okay, ladies and gentleman .. I can no longer stay silent! I am royally POed. I have always been a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan (the movie was okay but the show was SO much better... in my opinion). Over a year ago I had started seeing promos for Sarah Michelle Geller's newest project Ringer. The story sounded a bit far fetched and quite frankly, I like my Sarah as Buffy. I dont want to possibly ruin the vision I have of Buffy or my connection with the show. So I decided not to watch Ringer. I know, I know. As fan and should support all of the Buffy cast's future endeavors. Ever love a show or someones music so much you would never want to meet them? Just because of the risk they would not live up to your expectations or your vision of what they should be like. Thats Ringer for me. I didnt want to give it a chance. 

I was an idiot.

Signed up for one of the streaming services and Ringer was listed as a show recommended for me. I was sick as a dog, nothing else was on and so I pressed "Play". Um... I was hooked. I watched the entire season in a day and half. Ringer had comedy, drama, violence, romance, crime and Sarah! Excuse my French but WHAT THE FRICK IS WRONG WITH ME? This is one of the best shows that has been put on television in the last 10 years. So imagine my horror as I Google more information about the show (I am a fanatic Googler) only to find out it has been cancelled!!! Literally, my heart was broken... then it quickly turned to anger. Very reminiscent of when Showtime cancel United States of Tara leaving plot holes and a totally unfinished story (still mad at you to this day, Showtime execs!). I NEED the story finished.

So what do I do? I joined the Facebook groups HERE and HERE, I wrote the CW (never got a reply) and voted in some online poll for which show I wanted to see brought back. Whether this poll holds any weight on if this show will be brought back is unknown to me. I even considered boycotting the CW in its entirety. So now I decided to blog about it. If you have the same feelings I do about Ringer here are a few things you can do:

Tweet @WB_Home_Ent and @WarnerArchive about it. They own the rights to Ringer.

Tell them to bring Ringer back!!!

Rumor has it Sarah is going to partake in a new sitcom playing a Mom getting into all sorts of hi-jinx with her husband while her kids are away... I would be more inclined to give this show a try now that I know that the "avoid, avoid, avoid" approach can really backfire on you. Also, remember this is only a RUMOR! Nothing has been publicly confirmed.

In my best Miranda Presley voice... "That's all.".


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